
Fear of Death

A driving force all over the world. Everyone looking for the solution and coming up with different answers. Reincarnation, heaven, purgatory, a higher plane of existence, and even just ceasing to be. I suppose my answer would be heaven, but, not only because it is written in the Bible, but I think I would actually be unhinged if it were any of the other options. A higher plane of existence seems impossible. Purgatory is pain forever. I wouldn't want to live my life over again. And ceasing to exsist, well, it hurts my head to even consider the concept. While I do believe in the grace of God and his gift to us I am unable to shake the feeling that this might be the only option I'm not afraid of....

The effects of writting in annoyance...

Empty heads lend loud mouths to fill the void of internal silence, a thoughtless abyss. What comes forth is a rough slur of inept profanities to convince piers of their dominance and skill. Pity them, they cannot see their illiteracy, a witlessness so profound even the young turn to their mothers in shame, and they are blind to its immanence.